Men Want a Goddess



Relax - That’s Good News!

By Mary R. Dittman, M.B.A.


There’s a line in Elizabeth, starring Cate Blanchett, where one of Queen Elizabeth’s advisors tell her, “Men want to touch the Divine.”  He was saying that men want someone to inspire them.  Someone they can fight for and impress and please.

I think we all want that, actually.  Who among us doesn’t want a hero?  Don’t we all want someone we can look up to, believe in, follow?

In case you’re worried because you feel like you are the absolute opposite of a goddess, I have good news for you.  Men generally see women as goddesses.  They see us as soft, beautiful, mysterious creatures who are very different from them.  They know we’re not perfect, but they want us anyway.

While it’s true that there are men who hate women, the majority of men are intrigued by women.  That is, until we discourage them or destroy their admiration of us.

Men like it when women are happy.

You’ve heard the saying, “Happy wife, happy life.”  Or, “If momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”  Men like to make women happy.  Even better: a woman who is happy no matter what.  You’re easy to be with.  This doesn’t mean you have low standards, but you’re not complaining about everything all the time.  You say thank you. You show appreciation for what he does for you.


Men like it when a woman inspires him to be the best version of himself.

Notice I said, “inspires,” not “nags.”  Men want to impress us.  Steve Harvey says if there were no women, men wouldn’t drive nice cars, they wouldn’t workout, they wouldn’t care about their clothes.  They want to impress us!  That’s why appreciating what a man does for you is so important.  You don’t have to go on and on, a heartfelt “thank you” will do.


Men like to win the prize - we’re the prize!

The only person that has to think you’re a prize is YOU.  Once that happens, men will see you that way, too.  If you think you’re not a prize because you’ve never been married, you’ll keep yourself on the shelf because you’ll give off the vibe that you’re not a prize worth capturing.  The good news is, men report self-confidence as being the sexiest trait a woman can possess.  You don’t have to be the prettiest, the thinnest, or the smartest.  You just have to think you’re enough.  

The good news about all of these points is that they are all within YOUR control.  You don’t need any other person to help you get there.

You can be happy in your own life because your happiness is your responsibility.  Creating a One-Derful Life that makes you happy is attractive.  Nobody’s looking to marry Debbie Downer.  If you need a man (or a friend or a baby) to make you happy, you’re in trouble.  You have to create happiness regardless of what other people are doing.

When you are happy and engaged in life, you inspire others.  You don’t have to go out and try to be inspirational.  Living your best life - your One-Derful Life - will inspire others because they’ll think, “If she can do it, I can do it!”

A high value man knows he has to be on his A-game to get your attention, and that will inspire him to want to impress you.

Self-confidence is called self-confidence because it comes from YOU, not from someone else.  When you know you’re the prize, you keep your standards high and you don’t settle for less.  You know you’re safe and that you’d rather be single and happy than coupled and miserable.

Think about a goddess.  She doesn’t chase men, asking them to worship her.  She stays in her temple and trusts the right men will come to her.  They will bring her gifts, they will fight in her name, and they will build monuments to honor her.

I’m not suggesting you aren’t a mortal, but if you can incorporate a little more of a goddess mentality, your life will become more One-Derful.

It’s hard to feel like a prize if your heart is broken.  If that’s you, check out our ABC’s of Healing.  This free video will show you how to move past the heartache so you can get on with feeling happy and content.


Question: What can you do to be more goddess-like?

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